Friday, October 17, 2008

a new challenge

Well I think my lack of internet use has led me to miss 17 days of Vegan MOFO.. which is a month of food. Thankfully many other vegan bloggers have been living outside of a cave and given me LOTS of inspiration.
I have been trying to make changes more like Eat to Live by Dr. Fuhrman, and I was needing some great recipes with whole food ingredients as well.
I also found out about two books by PPK for brunch and cookies.. I really want to get in on the test kitchen club and then I will really have something to post about.
Mostly though my recipes will reflect being vegan in a recession. Here is the challenge to post at least five photos a week based on the recipes I made on those days (I need the weekends to do things like clean my house and attend to the kids.. right??)
ps why not show a picture of what vegan happiness can be?

1 comment:

Becka Robinson said...

I'm excited to see what you bake up this week! :)

I know how you feel about the whole recession thing. I've been trying to change up the way I buy my foods and only get main staples and such.

Today at the farmer's market I got 4 huge cukes for $2. I was in hog heaven. And a huge bushel of kale for $1. It was a great morning!