Dear tummy,
two weeks ago we started this fantastic liver cleanse in the mornings, warm water and half a lemon squeezed into to. With a spring in my step and a load off my body (hee hee) the days were starting out good.
Fruit for breakfast and a piece of bread with almond butter as snack.. you seemed so content and satisfied.
Then came the wonderful salads for lunch that made panera vegan envious. and the snacks of red bell peppers and carrot sticks with hummus seemed certain to please.
And now.. it is day two of this awful rebellion..
You woke me at 530 am yesterday, with pain and a train going through my system.. since I ended my cleanse. When the pain was intolerable, you made me pass out and wake up on the bathroom floor wondering "how did I get here?"
Now.. I must face the inskilled, overbooked doctors at the base clinic and here it is 5 am and you are giving me grief. Dont you know I cant make an appt until 730?
Dreams of yummy food filled my mind while applesauce and bananas and gatorade filled my growling tummy.
Why must you treat me this way!!!
disgruntled intestinal track owner